Friday, June 27, 2008

Murphy lives

I know I've been largely absent lately. It's been very busy here. I was more or less forced to spend a large amount of money recently and haven't really looked back. I replaced my ageing car with a vehicle that very much reflects my personality. I've been putting off the inevitable for some time in the hopes that I would have a larger amount of money saved. So be it. The time was right and I have a predisposition to believing in such things. The new car is fast, sleek and just so "me" that I can't help but just stand back and marvel at it. I knew it would be mine as soon as I laid eyes on it. My old vehicle had been paid off quite a while ago so it really is a pain to have a car payment again.

I also decided to replace my ancient (by my computer scientist brother's standards) computer. So now I find myself in a lightning-fast world where my old computer had me in a much slower pace. I'm loving it, of course. I haven't put all of the chat software back on and I'm not sure I'm going to. I've hit yet another one of my reflective snags.

I was out of town last week and had a ridiculously busy schedule that left me exhausted. There was very little sleep, I did not take my vitamins regularly and ate very few real meals. And upon returning and going back to work, I left immediately for a funeral. A woman who shares my occupation died horribly in an entirely avoidable accident. This week I have tried to slow down and get back into my routine. I find I need that more and more. I also noted that I passed a rather notable anniversary last month. And here we segue into the next topic...

It has been over a year since I have had sex with a man. Now I was worried that the week I was out of town would present itself with some interesting, but verboten, possibilities. And it did. Truly. But I behaved myself. My navigator was an attractive gentleman, but I kept my hands off. My next door neighbor, two weeks from finalizing his divorce was also hands off. I believe no man when he cooks up a story. I was absolutely convinced my switch was permanently in the "OFF" position. Then I met "HIM". Good god. I saw him and for some reason I wanted to talk to him immediately. And boy can I pick them. He lives a hundred miles away. He is even more verboten than any of the others... And I cannot get him off of my mind. I wish that I could say that I will take this opportuniity to relish the uncomfortable feeling of want. But What I want and need to do is forget him immediately. And of course what this means is that this man, who I have never met before, will be thrown into my path again and again in my future. How do I know this? Because we met Wednesday night for the first time, and then were assigned to each other all day Saturday at the funeral. We have friends/coworkers (no difference there) in common.

There once was this man named Murphy and he penned this law...


Anonymous said...

Noooooooooo you did not just the Navigator's bones? No No no no! You need to get back in the game woman. I loved your stories. I lived vicariously through you.

Hugs and kisses

Detail Medic said...
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Mistress Fleur said...

No, I didn't. He's MARRIED! I couldn't have done it... And I'm ALMOST sure he wouldn't have done it either... I didn't put myself in the situation and I'm glad I didn't!